is a pulmonary and sleep medicine specialist, a Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME) and is available for Agreed Medical Evaluations. Eli E. Hendel, MD, is a triple board-certified Pulmonary Specialist, sleep medicine specialist, and internist offering care at his private practice in Glendale, CA. (more…)
Pulmonary Specialist & Sleep Specialist
Take the first step toward better pulmonary and sleep health with the help of a leading Pulmonary Specialist and sleep specialis. Eli Hendel, MD is committed to providing exceptional care to individuals with asthma, COPD, sleep apnea, insomnia, and other health conditions. He provides a comprehensive approach and advanced treatment options to ensure his patients‘ well-being.
Contact a pulmonary and sleep medicine specialist
Qualified Medical Evaluator
Aside from being a pulmonary and sleep medicine specialist, Dr. Eli Hendel is a Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME) handling agreed medical evaluations. He provides expert services and accurate assessments to ensure each case receives a fair analysis.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Sleep Enhancement
Insomnia is one of the most frustrating and debilitating health conditions. Whether you struggle to fall or stay asleep, the lack of quality sleep affects almost every life process. It can raise your risk of developing obesity, heart disease, and other chronic health conditions. Additionally, it directly impacts physical and mental energy levels. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Sleep Enhancement (CBTSE) can help limit and resolve insomnia.
Call Today to Schedule an Appointment
Your health deserves nothing less than the best. Contact Dr. Eli Hendel today to experience the difference that expertise and genuine care can make in your journey to improved sleeping habits and overall well-being.